Incredible Turnout for 2018 TRENO Annual Meeting & Social Get-Together!


Great turnout for the 2018 TRENO Annual Meeting and Social Get-Together! With a 200% increased attendance from 2017, The Tahquitz River Estates showed it’s neighborhood spirit. The spectacular, newly renovated Villa Royale Hotel hosted the vibrant event and and treated it’s fellow neighbors with mouth-watering appetizers and signature cocktails.

Chairmen Eric Borsum outlined TRENO’s last year of accomplishments and community interactions, his steady, energetic leadership brought on a new progressive wave of Council Members that brought many accomplishments. City Council Woman Lisa Middleton spoke of the City of Palm Springs support of TRENO and took important questions from the attendees.

Treasurer David Slack presented a very healthy 2018 balance sheet as well as Donations with a very promising outlook for the new year. David announced that non-profit status was recently attained with TRENO solidifying it’s neighborhood charter. Well done David and Eric!